Monday, December 26, 2022

 So, another Christmas has passed. 

   I sure miss my dad. We can only Pray that life can get just a little easier in 2023.

   With 5 more days to a Brand New Year, I Pray it helps more of us get a better lease on Life so to speak. We have all lots something we cherish these past few years. 

   It has been a struggle to get up every day, Praying that it gets better financially for us. Opening the store was a big step in 2019, it did okay the first year. Then this COVID thing hit, and I just about lost my shirt. I owe so much to my family, especially to my wife Cheryl Harrington. 

   It has been hard on everyone. We had a few shows booked that first year, and when they were cancelled it just about broke me. How can life get better when the Government just seems to screw us over. 

   I can only pray that it will do a 100% turn around so I can help a little more with the bills at home, and not just cover the expense of being at the market. 

   Here is a link to my facebook page for the store called Hoarder's Corner Toys & Collectibles 

(15) Hoarder's Corner | Chatham ON | Facebook 


With over 20,000 items in stock.



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